5 1/2 Ways To Make Your Brand’s Social Media Unique 🌟
Create better social media content that stands out from the competition! 😎
Creating unique social media content AND standing out can be hard… that’s why you have to make sure you’re memorable to your community. 🤔 Here are 5 1/2 ways to stand out in a scroll, be remembered, and stay true to your brand:
😂 Show Your Humor: post memes that you found or made that your audience can relate to! Show that you know them, and you’re one of them.
😜 Inside Jokes: what inside jokes does your brand have (either in the office or with customers) that you can tap into?
😎 Embrace Your Brand’s Vibe: create a hyperbolic version of what it’s like working at your brand–is it extra fun? or maybe cringey? either way lean in and create some fun, exaggerated videos of skits based on how your brand operates!
🐯 Mascot: create a mascot & make them the face of your company (a la DuoLingo) that people can recognize instantly!
🤩 Celebrity Personality: who would your brand be if they were a celebrity? Post like that celebrity but as your brand!! Are you so Julia or more like Sofia Richie-Grainge?
🪩 Go Clubbing: create a club (relevant to your brand) and get people involved! Whether that’s a book club, a movie club, an art club–tap into the common interests your brand and your community have and meet at that intersection!
While trends can be fun, they’re not always relevant so it’s always good to have a regular series, or something to count on, that your community can come back for time and time again!