Create Better Brand Messaging 🖼️ Part 2
Part 2: Creating Content with a Message that connects ⚠️
Ever feel frustrated when working on a design for your brand? You have all the elements..but they just aren’t quite coming together how you planned and everything is kind of….off?? Look no further, because we’re here to help you utilize one of the biggest design principles: messaging. 🔺
⚠️ What is Messaging?
An important part in design because it helps you communicate with your audience on every level. Choosing how you want the audience to receive, read, and remember your brand. This creates direction for not only your social media posts, but can help focus your entire brand without getting overly complicated.
“Marketing messaging represents how a brand communicates to its customers and highlights the value of its products. ‘Messages’ refer to not only the actual words and phrases used by a brand in advertising but also feelings and emotions associated with what they say.” according to Sprout Social
In other words, what your brand says AND how you say it matters, and affects your overall bottom line.
Need help planning brand content? Check out our Campaign Template, or set up a consult to get custom advice on your social media plan.
🧱 How do I apply it?
Start with this basic rule: messaging is a strategy, not a secondary thought–which means everything is planned in advance, with your brand’s goals in mind. If you work from a strategic standpoint you can keep messages on track with where your brand is going as a whole rather than that day, month or season. Your biggest message should be what you want them to remember about the brand, and be precise.
The most important message will be a repeated message that you want to stick with consumers, new and already loyal [ex: we’re creative, so you don’t have to be!]. Every message after that should back up that message with proof and context [ex: our creative plans are custom, so your goals are our goals; we can help your social media profile get better reach; contact us today to get a custom consult based on your social media].
🔎 Where is it useful?
This is useful on every single piece of external marketing. Think of everything from packaging, signs, social media posts, and temporary sales. Chances are, you can review and improve your brand’s visuals without rethinking your entire brand, simply by making sure your current consumer-facing-messaging follows the structure in the “How do I apply it?” section.