Turning Your Struggle into Brand Success 🤩
Why feelings could be a good hook for your brand’s social 🥴🫠😂🥲😅😀
“HoW doEs tHaT maKe YoU ~fEeL~?” 🥴🫠😂🥲😅😀
How often has someone said that to you and you burst out into laughter?? It’s often used jokingly when someone lays down just the right way on the couch, but if you’re trying to grow a social media following, it can actually be a strategy!
Here’s why it can help your brand:
Feelings could be a good hook for your brand’s short-form video because they show people something relatable, tangible, and HONEST.
People don’t want to see you fail, but they do want to see your struggle to success. This means revealing honest moments, things that didn’t go right or as planned, and definitely trying different things. They want to be encouraged about their journey or be able to celebrate yours–so give them that!
3 Tactical Tips to Become Professionally Honest on Social Media
🛞 Show something that didn’t go as planned: You’re delivering a product and you get a flat tire–tell people about it and bring them along on the journey!
You’ll want to choose something that’s short term (like a tire change) and that can hook people for a day or two (lots of people have had flat tires and can relate). You’ll be surprised how much engagement you can get by posting something as silly that wasn’t planned!
🥴 Genuinely interact with people as a person–not as a brand: When people interact with your brand on social media, respond to them as yourself with your brand’s tone. This will allow your brand to become relatable and easier to engage with.
If someone comments on your story about a popped tire “hate when that happens!” reply with what happened next. As mentioned above keep your brand’s tone but use your words–this adds a pinch of personality without taking away from your brand.
😅 Don’t hide your feelings: show them how it made you feel.
You don’t have to post an emo-2000s-type picture of yourself with tears but revealing the frustration, unexpected joy or other feelings can help you to create content and find your customers an entry point to interacting with your brand.
Pair the temporary problem up with something you do well long-term. Maybe you’re frustrated because your (amazing, understanding–pull from your brand’s tone) client will now have a late delivery and that cause you anxiety because your orders are always on time.