Sometimes copywriting can get too formulaic, or unoriginal. Leave it to theBlogStack to help you form copy that’s both straight to the point, and interesting to your followers. Here are 10 different formulas for writing social media copy 👇:
[first sentence: reintroduce the brand quickly]. [second sentence: work towards a goal your brand has]. [final sentence: include a Call To Action (CTA) of what you want people to do to help achieve your goal].
[what you’re passionate about]. [tell people why]. [give people a CTA to assist you in furthering your passion/hobby/job/etc.].
[something new]. [in one sentence explain why it’s different/revolutionary/etc.]. [add a CTA where people can learn further information].
[focus on what you do that others can’t]. [explain why it’s important]. [use the CTA to tell people where they can find you].
[hint at something coming up!] [in one sentence say why you’re excited.] [CTA that allows people to keep up with progress & release of said “something”].
[highlight a relevant trend]. [tie your object/brand to the trend by further elaborating on what you have in common]. [create a CTA that includes a mention of the trend and where they can find your brand].
[state that you’re currently running discounted prices/a sale/etc]. [explain the sale in one sentence OR a bullet point emojis list]. [create a CTA that leads to the respective discounts/sales/etc].
[first sentence about a common problem your product can solve]. [introduce how your product solves it in one sentence or bullet point emojis list]. [CTA that reminds people you can solve their problem and where to get the solution].
[first sentence explaining what your brand/product does]. [second sentence explaining why people love it]. [CTA directing people to how they can find your product and love it too].
[a testimonial from a customer/client]. [explaining the services you provide]. [CTA to where people can sign up/buy those services].
These 10 content structured sentences cover everything you could possibly need for your business or brand. Simply customize each sentence to your brand, and watch the copy get easier and easier. Happy writing!
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