Should you be planning your social media content? Using a scheduling platform?? Have months of social content ready at all times??? Use ads???? 🤯 All these questions can drive you a little crazy…. especially without strategy, planning, and consistency. Without those things scheduling platforms, banked content and paid ads won’t matter, or make much of a difference. So, what does planning content actually look like? 👇
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Strategy is great for a lot of different reasons–reach, intention, sales, but it’s the best for planning content in long stretches. If you have a strategy the calendar will fill itself in and leave you with some extra content. While it won’t feel completely effortless, it also won’t feel backbreaking if you have a strategy behind your calendar. Let’s explore a few types of content or accounts:
A lot of posts don’t come together until certain events happen for this calendar type. That doesn’t mean you can’t plan!
If you know an event is happening ahead of time, plan to post the day-of or the day after and have everything ready except the beginning of the caption and the actual photo/video content. This will make it easy to post in-real-time.
If you’re still finding your strategy and routine (or trying to break into new content), spontaneous posting could be for you. Spend a couple days a month coming up with series that people can follow and post those regularly. In the in-between content, fill it in with your aspirational, dream content and watch your passion become your main vibe.
Informational or Educational
If you’re out of current information or education (or simply burnt out from so much), try determining what content your viewers find most interesting and elaborating on that when you’re unable to post the content you had planned. Consider it “back up content” but not necessarily B-roll. Make it ever green, so if you post it it’ll always be relevant to your audience and you can post it anytime you need a breather but also need a post.
Consider starting a new series based on FAQs. These FAQs can act as guiding information that can tell you what your followers are looking for from your page, which can in turn help you build a stronger community.
Industry Based
Industries can come in and out of fashion, but what makes you more follow-able than a competitor?
There’s something that’s made you stand out, sparkle, shine and glow to your audience. Whether that’s sneak peeks, constantly being on top of new industry trends, or even being one of the only in your niche. Whatever that is get back to it, and consider looking back at ideas you abandoned. Maybe you’re finally at a place where those can come to fruition, or they’ll spark some new ideas.
If you don’t have many old, unused ideas make a list of all the things you’re tired of hearing about your industry and start creating the industry you want to be in. This will also note you as a leader so when people start looking for that niche or industry you’ll start showing up sooner and sooner in the results.
Series Based
Maybe you started by building up a following and then decided you had something you could do with it. Get back to your roots and create a series you know your OG self would love! If you started with GRWM or Day-In-The-Life maybe you start by getting back to that, or you build on it and directly address everything that has changed. This can be a great way to get intimate with your current audience while inviting new members into the community.
If you’re over making the same content, consider making content YOU would find interesting. The reason people came to your account is likely more than the series you started, but the personality you put on display–so they most likely have similar interests.