The Girlies are Girling Series 💝 Girl Math
Its Giving–no really its giving you everythiiiiiiiing !! Its Girl Math !! 💝🤭
Hot Girl Summer may be over but that doesn’t mean the girlies are done girling–it just means something new. 2023 is the year of Girlhood–deemed so by the girlies loving the vibes and a total KO Girl Summer that’s forever changed marketing. So, like…check out the vibes👇
Girl math has taken over the internet.
You may be wondering–what makes it “girl” math? Not only is it defying normal math laws, it justifies purchases and is changing the landscape of what people are willing to spend their money on, and how.
Girl math can be done many different ways for any purchase, by breaking the object down to its smallest amount by use, benefits and more. For example: Bed Threads Girl Math with FVHZM 👇
Justify your purchase by breaking it down to the benefits and the usage. Whether its clothes, bed linens or getting ready for a concert–girl math is here to help you.
This isn’t the only un-traditional math route currently floating around… If you’re wondering what kind of math is for you, check out this Girl Math, Gay Math and Pretty Person Math breakdown:
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Girl math is not only brilliant for the girlies who don’t love math, but brilliant for the marketers looking to sell in a less purchase-forward world. As a recession continues to emerge and people are looking more toward DIY and spending less for more, girl math can be the perfect way to help your brand stand out. Girl math can justify travel, fun ways to exercise, big purchases and even elective surgeries and procedures. It can even be how you schedule your day or when buying your dog toys.
When it comes to girl math, you’ll never feel more supported or loved by any other equation because, much like women, what girl math gives you is ✨comfort✨.
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Paid members can keep reading for advice on how your brand can be part of the vibes the girlies are talking about 👇
Utilizing Girl Math: organically joining the girlies 🎀✨💘
Marketing with girl math is one of the most straightforward ways you can sell to your customers. It breaks down the value that you’re offering so that the customer or client can see it in real time.
Marketing with girl math doesn’t have to be hard. Here are a few strategies to consider and build on:
Product Based
the value of your product, and breaking it down by the value received
the time your product can save, and breaking it down by time received back
Service Based
the time your service can save, and breaking it down by the money saved within the time your service is operating
the time the activity is happening and what else someone could accomplish in that time, showing the time saved