Prompts to Get People Talking 🗣️
3 Ways to Get People Looking & Talking About Your Posts 👀🤝 • 3 Prompts Series
Sometimes you want people to interact with your posts but you’re not sure how to get people commenting.,and talking….🤔 Here are 3 ideas to get more interactions and people talking:
❓ Q&A
Instead of offering information to your audience, ASK your audience for information. “Hey we saw this and we were wondering XYZ”—with instagram polls, this can help you get even more interaction than just comments!
To keep this up try to implement a monthly or semi-regular post that allows the audience to give you info.
🥇 #1 FAQ
Answer your most frequently asked question with pictures and an explanatory caption, you can pin this so that people can always find it! Let people that have asked in the past or ask now know, “hey we made a post about that!” so that they can come comment and be part of the party!
To keep this up keep track of your most asked FAQs, especially new ones! You can do this a few times a year without being repetitive—especially if you have a few FAQs.
🤳 Emojis
Have people comment their favorite emoji to get the conversation started. “We love XYZ…comment your favorite emoji if you love it too.” or, “If you comment you’ll get 5% off in store and online”—figure out what motivates your audience and use that to get more interaction.